viernes, 22 de febrero de 2008

Se terminan las vaciones

i'm back after some long vacations. in december my family came for las fiestas and we traveled south to ushuaia ("famous" as the "southernmost city in the world"). there were penguins, sea lions, sled dogs, lakes, glaciers, etc. very pretty but very touristy, expensive and english-speaking. the interesting historical facts are the (former) presence of an indigenous group that went without clothes despite the cold, wet weather and the former prison that housed various serial killers and political prisoners (including simón radowitzky). exciting for me was seeing the end of la ruta nacional 3 -- i spend so much time on the first 30ish kms of...

the rest of vacations included visits from friends from the u.s. and a short trip to the coast with the folks from la matanza which was, of course, a blast. sometime, if i have time i might add more photos... andá a esperar...

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