jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2007

La Asunción

From the inauguration of la presidenta Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner on Monday.
As far as anyone can tell, Cristina's elections means much of the same, for example the Economic Emergency law was repassed giving the President more power to handle economic decisions and continuing the jefes y jefas program. We're still friendly with Chavéz, not so friendly with the IMF and getting into petty squabbles with Uruguay. In fact, the biggest difference the news media has seemed to pick up on so far is how different Kristina's every day schedule will be from that of her husband -- she starts work early, eats little and doesn't take a siesta -- woah, maybe a woman president will get more things done?!

Some of the larger labor unions were present at the Inauguration (but notably not the CGT), some piqueteros and a few other social movements/organizations. A group of piqueteros actually organized a march for today to ensure that the Kirchner administration continues to listen to their demands and not to take their support for granted -- so maybe these movements haven't completely lost everything yet! The music was of course largely cumbia with a some rock and folklore, because Cristina is, of course, de la gente and re cumbiera.

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